Contact Info (updated: 8/8/03)
If you have any comments or questions about this
page or the contents thereof feel free to send me an e-mail. However, do
please understand that my on-line time is lessened of late, and directed in
other directions when I am here =)... so e-mails from strangers have been
steadily dropping in importance to me. (sorry).
E-mails I don't even answer:
- From anyone who thinks that if they form their
question in the form of an "example", I'll do their work for
them. =)
- Anybody that is asking about when I'm gonna
synchronize my VB ID3Lib classes with the version currently in SourceForge.
I've demonstrated the VB/ID3Lib concept while solving my own problem and
then shared the technique with you. I am happy with the results I've achieved...
so no one will probably see anything updated from me again until I re-write
MP3Tool in .NET (which may or may not ever happen).
- Spam
E-mails I might answer:
- Comments on the site, questions, or anyone who
would just like to share how my work has helped you with your MP3 projects
E-mails I probably always answer:)
- Tell me all your thoughts on God.
=) Or I'll tell you mine... if that's what you need. If you've
ever felt like there isn't a God... or felt like if there is, then He's gone
on a looong vacation, talk to me. I can help you. =) I was
meant to help you. =)
To avoid
being picked up by Spam spiders, however, you will need to type my e-mail
address in manually. I can be reached at:
Additionally, in a further attempt to avoid spam,
you need to send the e-mail to
and either CC or BCC my address you see above. This will absolutely ensure
that your e-mail will make it past my junk-mail filter.